Wednesday, March 18, 2009

5K and Butt Grabbing

It's official...I have signed up for a I stupid or what? I might be stupid but it is another things I can add to my list of firsts. (Yes, I am keeping a list of firsts that I have done since I have come to China.) But I mainly see this as another opportunity to connect with students and teachers here at SIAS. So how am I preparing for this? Well, some of us have bought a membership to the SIAS gym so I have been doing mostly endurance workouts and lots of lower body workouts. I have also been running from time to time to try and make the 5K a little easier. I will still be tough because I have never ran that far before nonstop. But I think I will be alright when it's all said and done.

So on friday afternoon one of my classes wanted to go Roller Skating. So I gladly said yes because this class is a lot of fun for me cause they like to joke around (a huge plus cause some students don't understand joking around). So I met one of the students, Jennifer, and we walked to the skating rink to meet the other class mates. What a great time it was. I had not skated since high school so when I first started a couple of my guy students tried to reteach me but all the did was pull me around but I quickly got the hang out of it. One bad part happened though, one of my girl students fell while skating and she hurt her leg and had to go to the hospital and was not in class this week. So lets hope she gets better very soon. But there was this boy and girl (not sure if they were dating or not) but they are students of mine from another class who just happened to be skating that day. So the girl was alone watching everyone skate so I rolled over to talk to her. So I tapped her on the opposite shoulder and she looked but realized noone was there and that I had done it. So she was holding onto the bar on the side of the skating rink then she leaned over touched my butt the squeezed it. WHAT THE CRAP??? She giggled about it...I said to her that I would see her later then slowed skated away. What was I supposed to do? It was really awkward oh well...its all good I guess...or is it?

But this past weekend I went to the birthplace of Kung Fu. This place is about two hours away from here in a town called DongFeng. The place in this city is called Shaolin Temple. It was a really unique trip cause we got to see some beautiful scenery and seem some really cool kung fu stuff. I saw a guy throw a needle through a piece of glass to pop a balloon and saw a guy to push ups AND a hand stand on TWO that strength.

But it was a cool trip and the best part about was F-R-E-E

But everything is going really well here with me but keeping pr@ying for me guys...

I love you guys and I miss you and I will see you sometime in June

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy

So today is the anniversary of my mothers birth. She is now 43 years old and has a twin is a picture of her...


Just wanted to say that I love you and I miss you very much. I hope 43 is a great year for you so go out and treat yourself to some awesome fun because you deserve it. Remember, if you start to feel old, my students would say "HUH...YOUR MOTHER IS YOUNG!!!"

See there you have it...I told you you were still young ;)

Love you,


ps..thanks for the package too...the granola bars and honey buns are freakin awesome

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sooo...Update from ME!

So..things at Sias have been kind of hectic for many teachers here....but not me. If you are a fan of NCAA Basketball and March Madness in America..then let me tell you about CUBA. CUBA, said one letter at a time (C-U-B-A), is basically just like the NCAA Basketball tournament. So, Sias is hosting one of the regional tournaments. They had a new gymnasium built for this occasion and it actually looks pretty good. But they have asked us, the foreign teachers, to do a performance for the opening ceremony so some of the teachers helped out and did the performance. Me, I happily declined and I am really happy I did because some of the teachers were bitter and angry cause of the practice times and all the busy stuff that was crammed into the last week or so, along with I am very happy I did not participate. But, along with bitterness, angryness, whatever you wanna call it, I do get angry but I try to stay away from getting angry cause I hate it...I hate the way people act when they are angry/ I avoid it as much as possible. But I have been playing games for the past 22...almost 23 years of my life...and game are extremely fun...I love games...but there is a line between fun and competitiveness. When competitiveness overpowers the fun..thats what I shut down from the game. Dont get me wrong, I wanna win, but I wanna have fun while trying to win. But all my life there is always someone/something who robs me, sometimes others, of that joy of having a good time. If you know me, then you know I love to smile, joke around and I enjoy making people laugh. So considerate of others when you say things. In fact, when you are playing a meaningless game, dont get some serious. Anyways, sorry about that had to get that off my chest.
But, the past week I was invited to join a facebook group by a good buddy of mine, Andy Frazier. The group is reading three chapters of the GOOD BOOK ;) each day until we finish it. We are currently on the 28th chapter of the first book and I have read things I had never read before...strange things. Also, I have joined a study on the Song of maybe I can actually make sense of the book...even thought most of it is talking about body parts and stuff like that. But I hope I will get a better understanding of what its about. But...I have finished two weeks of teaching so far...our lessons so far have been 1) Back from the holiday and 2) News and week our lesson is I Love This Machine....and I have no idea what to teach...itll work out im sure...I just hope it doesnt suck.
But this weekend and next week I will hopefully get to watch some CUBA games during my free time and hang out with some students and get some reading done.

Just a little update on me....hope you enjoyed...

Happy Everyday (as my students say to me)

Love you guys