Thursday, September 25, 2008

Am I pregnant?

Let me tell you what just happened to me along with five other individuals. We are required by the University here to get a physical. It was not a big deal to me at all cause I did not have to pay for, but the weirdest thing took place. Everybody had to get an ultrasound. I have never heard of a guy having to get an ultrasound, EVER. Along with the ultrasound we had to get more blood drawn, and EKG, height, weight, blood pressure and a chest x-ray. During the chest x-ray, the lady would put our arms on our hips for us and shove us onto the x-ray machine. I felt like a criminal that had just been sent to life in prison here. The blood work stung a little but I'm still alive. Little doctor dude jabbed the needle up in my arm so I will probably have a bruise tomorrow. They did the blood work two by two with two separate doctors, and they lady beside me was crying her little eyes out because she did not want to do it. The doctors were laughing hardcore at this lady, I would have been pissed. So I get to my ultrasound. Awkward, to say the least. Lay back and pull your shirt up was not a problem. Then, SPLAT, the freezing gel was put on my stomach and rubbed around. It tickled for a little while until she started using her little hand held thing to go under my ribs and chest. I feel sorry for you women that have to do this stuff, but I'm also glad that I don't have to do it though. After our physicals we got McDonald's. Spicy chicken sandwich with fries and a drink. This, as well as the physical, was free of charge. The chicken on the sandwich was delicious and in my opinion it was much better than the spicy chicken sandwich in America.

Last night was our opening freshman candlelight ceremony. I enjoyed parts of it, especially the end because student groups put on dances and performances. It was really entertaining and pictures will be posted very soon. Tomorrow my training starts for teaching and next week is our trip to Xi'an, which I am soaked about. Anyways, I have a meeting to go to so I will post more later.

So, I just played ultimate frisbee for the first time since we had the intramural championship in college last November. My legs are killing me right now and am almost positive I will be sore all weekend. But it was a lot of fun and they guys I played with are fun to play with. I am a bit rusty though so hopefully when I get used to this air I will get my game back. I am hoping something fun goes on tonight cause there is nothing planned for us right now. Right now ESPN is showing the Colorado vs West Virginia game for the third time this week so I am hoping something new comes on afterwards. Anyways, I'm gonna go take a shower so I hope my shower provides hot water for me. If not, I might just put off a shower until later tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

an ultrasound? wow...that is hilarious! little chinese people talking chinese to each other, "these crazy americans...haven't they ever had an ultrasound before?" that a standard thing over there?! haha...well, let's is 7:47 p.m. on Friday night in good ol' China?'s see..i'll guess...8:47 a.m.?...i am for some reason thinking you're 13 hours ahead...i could be wrong...anyway, sounds like you're having a great time. I try to remember daily to pray for ya'-hey-you should find out what "honey" is in chinese...oh, p.s.- i had WHATABURGER yesterday and i ate some honey! haha.. :) yay for honey! :)
talk to ya' later!
-Jenn Conn :D