Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Celebrity Status?

So today, about an hour and a half ago, I had my first group of people stop to take pictures of me. Completely random but I enjoyed and made them smile. The foreigners (Americans) were walking around looking at more of the campus because we did not look to much yesterday and there were four girls just chillin with their phones and ipods/mp3 players while we talked about the campus and how it has grown over the past year. A few girls went to talk to the girls while I talked to Joe, a returning teacher from LA, about normal things and stuff. The four girls took pictures with the the girls from our group and us guys watched and smiled. Afterwards we start to head back toward the rooms and adminstration building, the girls stopped me and only me. I can not speak chinese yet, well I can say thank you (Pronounced shayshay), but they all had their cameras up so I just put two and two together and assumed they wanted to take a picture of me. All four girls took pictures so I made funny faces, smiled in a few, and I just had to do my pose (big smile with a thumbs up). They loved it. They laughed and giggled and they said thank you and call said "bye-bye) and faced each other like they were the luckiest girls in the world. Man it is great to have red hair.

Anyways, at 4:00 the leaders are going to take up downtown to go shopping and explore Chinese culture. I am really excited about it cause it is kind of cool here and I brought no winter clothes. I was gonna have mom send a package before it gets cold but looks like coldness came to early. Oh well, I will be fine. So I woke up this morning at 4:00am. (3:00 pm in Texas). It was the first time I made it to breakfast withone any alarm clock or human assistance in years. I thought breakfast was at 6:00 so I went to the cafeteria and noone was there so I just walked around campus for a little while. So in about an hour or two I will probably be really tired. Orientation for freshman begins tonight at 7:00 so I hope I am awake for it. I get to dress up in teaching attire for this occasion so no jeans or tennis shoes are allowed.

I am one of the lucky few on campus that gets ESPN. I am very thankful for that, but the only bad thing is that it is out of Austraila. So I get a lot of soccer (which is fine) and a lot of billiards and track and field. At night we can get baseball games sometimes so Joe and I watched some of the Dodgers and Giants game last night. But hey, I get ESPN and lots of other guys dont. PARTY IN MY ROOM. Nah....but seriously.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

You are a celebrity :) thats neat.

i'm jealous your walk around campus. and you getting up without an alarm clock. and your orientation. bascially i'm jealous of you and china. :)

love ya. :)