Monday, September 29, 2008

Can a brotha pick out his own toilet paper?

So today has been pretty good. Woke up at 6:45, which is better than waking up at four, then went down stairs to check out the computer lab and then had breakfast. We starting with meetings at 9 this morning for the new guys who came with purpose and I really enjoyed it. I enjoy listening for those of you who do not know that. It is a quality I have began to learn to use more of here lately and in my own opinion it is a great quality to have. Anyways, we had lunch at this noodle place that is about a five minute walk off campus. This place is delicious and I will be going back in the near future. Anyways, I got my class schedule today and it's not too bad. I will be teaching Freshman Oral English to nine different classes. I have four accounting classes, three financial management classes and two management classes. We will not begin class until next Monday.

I just went to the little store on campus to get toilet paper and mouthwash. So I go to get the toilet paper first cause I know the ladies working there will hand you stuff to suggest you to buy it. So I get around the back corner and I am looking for the toilet that I was suggested to buy, not even close to the one I am looking for. So one of the ladies working comes back and gives me this toilet paper and points to the price, 9.9 yuan. In America that is a little over a dollar so it's really cheap. So not to be mean or disrespectful I go ahead and take the toilet paper. Anyways, if you ever come to China and need toilet paper, beware, the workers will find you.

I am getting excited about teaching and getting to meet my students. I am probably gonna find a tutor to help me learn Chinese cause I want to be able to talk and order my own food. But a couple of teachers, Gabe and Sarah, have invited me to come down to play games so I am out.

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