Friday, November 7, 2008


So mid-term examinations are over and now back to teaching regular class topics. This week will be really fun because our topic is Birthdays. The functions we are teaching this week are extending an invitation, accepting an invitation and gratuity. I observed Sarah Suttles (a Sophomore Oral English Teacher) my first week at Sias and the topic that week was Birthdays. So I am probably going to be using her lesson because I liked it very much and the students responded well to it. We'll I have not posted in a while so I will tell you a few things about my past week or so. Culture week was a blast and European Day (my main day) went much much much better than I thought it would go. I was figuring it would be lame and not much but it was the opposite of both of those. Only in China will one be able to see me, Kerry Bryan, in a freakin kilt. Even though it was really weird to be in a kilt the people seemed to love it and most of my students say my performance (yes I did a Scottish dance with a girl I work with) and they said they loved it. We also did games where the countries we represented (Scotland, Germany, Spain and Greece) would do an olympics type things and have students come and particpate. I am pretty sure, in fact I know, that my athelete was the best. Even if Josh, who represented Greece, could not say her name right she still performed at a high level. But overall, it was an amazing week. This past week I have been giving Oral English Exams. It was boring at times and entertaining at times. I really enjoyed hearing some of the unique answers I got to some of my questions and got really annoying at hearing "My English is very poor teacher I am sorry". Oh well, it is over now. I have roughly 225 students so hearing the same answer to some of the questions over and over got old very fast. Yesterday was an eventful day/night. Played volleyball that was a blast, by far the best volleyball I have seen in China. Then I went to dinner with Gabe and Sarah Willson (two girls I work with) and then went to a dvd store on campus. While at the store Gabe got a call from a student to come to this dance so I told her I would go but I didn't want to stay long cause I was invited by a few students but thought it would be very awkward with me and lots of students there. So she asked me to go and I went and the student who invited me say me and came and tried to teach me this line dance thing that was really not that much fun at all. But I tried to make the best of it. My students really enjoyed teaching me the dance but when 10 of your students are teaching you a dance it gets kind of annoying. Oh well, then we left the dance and came back and watched Get Smart. I thought the movie was very funny and I laughed a lot. As did the others I watched it with. But now I am about to go and play more volleyball in about 30 minutes and who knows what I will do tonight....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a blast! I miss ya! And...I might be a second grade teacher in about two days! :)