Monday, October 27, 2008

Culture Week

This week is Culture Week, where we put on performances (dances, singing and skits/plays) to fit the culture of another country. The country I am representing is Europe. European Day is on Thursday and I am going to play the part of a Scottish Man. Yes, that means I will be wearing a kilt and I will be doing a Scottish dance with Becca McBee. So if you are here...bring your camera. It will for sure be a sight for sore eyes. I am also doing a game to represent the land of kilts...Caber Tossing. It is a Scottish game where you pick up a long piece of wood (Tree Trunk, Telephone Pole) and you toss it in the air. You have to make the "caber" go forwards and flip in the air for it to be a good toss. It is interesting but thankfully we are not throwing trees or telephone poles but a long piece of pvc pipe (that I cracked the first time I "Caber Tossed" it). I am also helping with Asia Day. Asia day is Tuesday and I will be using thick pieces of bamboo (banging it on the group and clapping to together) in a dance called Singkil Dance. The Singkil Dance is a dance done in The Phillipines and is a very interesting dance. As the week goes on I will include pictures from the things that take place.

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