Thursday, October 9, 2008

One week down..

One week down and ten more to go until winter break. I am really glad that I only work four days a week and put in 18 hours of teaching. This weekend I am going to a fabric market to get some stuff to buy material to make costumes. In a few weeks, we have an event called Culture Week. During this time, people put on performances and all sorts of other things for a country. I am helping with Europe so, yours truly, get to wear a kilt. Yes, a kilt. It will be worth it though cause I am sure people will get a good kick out of it. So, this week I taught my students how to initiate a conversation in English. This morning, after one of the exercises, I had some of the students come up and begin a conversation. So I did a guy with a girl and after every question the girl would answer and he would say, "You are very beautiful" then he would continue on with his next question. The first couple times it kind of threw me off but I did not say anything cause I did not want to embarrass him. But it was really funny to me and lots of the students thought the same. But this week has been really good and it has flown by. But I am going to get out of here and go do something..or try.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

9 weeks? IS a long time-